Yves Saint-Laurent once said, "I only have one regret: I didn't invent jeans". We all love them (2.3 billion jeans sold every year), but it's...
•up to 10,000 litres of water for its production, from cotton growing to finishing.
•toxic chemical treatments (dyes) released into the environment - water and air pollution.
•textile waste, including fabric scraps and items rejected due to manufacturing defects.
•of raw materials and finished products transported around the world - the carbon footprint of a catastrophic industry.
And I'm not mentioning the disastrous working conditions in the manufacture of jeans and other fast fashion clothing…
what solutions for dd?
Sustainable fashion
•fashion that focuses on quality rather than quantity, promoting clothes that are durable and timeless.
Boosting the circular economy
•By promoting the rental, exchange and sale of second-hand clothing.
•Support the recycling of textiles to give them a new life in the form of recycled fibres or other products.
•By adapting to fewer collections throughout the year and seasons.
Local production
•To raise consumer awareness of the impact of transport in the fashion industry and encourage them to support brands that favour sustainable supply chains.
•And encourage more environmentally-friendly/low-carbon modes of transport.
and repair.
When "700,000 tonnes of clothes are thrown away every year" (French Ministry of Ecology).
we like…
L’idée du gouvernement qui devrait mettre en place des aides comprises entre 6 et 25 euros pour refaire un talon de chaussure ou la doublure d’une veste. Un bonus réparation qui entre dans le cadre de la loi AGEC (loi anti-gaspillage pour une économie circulaire) –
Infos from « Elle magazine - August 2023 »).
Some innovative ideas.
Clothes that grow with the child?
It's the idea of a London designer who has launched Petit Pli, a clothing brand that lets you keep the same garment from 4 to 36 months.
From shoes made of pineapple leather (from the pineapple leaf) or from apples (recycled apple waste), corn imitation leather, cactus leaves, grape leaves... It's all possible with the MoEa brand.
It remains to be seen over time which materials will be the most resistant and what the real environmental impact of these new materials will be, but the idea is an interesting one.
The fashion industry has a crucial role to play in preserving our planet. By adopting more sustainable practices and encouraging consumer awareness, we can significantly reduce fashion-related pollution. Together, we can shape a greener future, where fashion remains creative and innovative while respecting our environment and our health.
As well as the best-known brands such as Veja, Patagonia, Le slip français and Flotte, there are other brands to discover, such as Armedangels, Kleman, Knowledge Cotton Apparel, People Tree, Samsoe Samsoe, Colorful Standard, Noyoco and Dear Denier, all of which meet the requirements of "eco-responsible" labels.
Need to communicate your sustainable fashion brand?
Very enjoyable read! The layout, tone, and just the right length makes it interesting. Thank you Laetitia
Thanks a lot for your feedback ! I am glad you liked it 🙂