sustainable architecture

The applied arts have a powerful and transformative impact on our society. They transcend the boundaries of traditional artistic expression to fuse beauty with functionality.

They have a key role to play in sustainable development issues.

Firstly, the applied arts transform our physical environment.

« L’architecte du futur construira en imitant la nature, parce que c’est la plus rationnelle, durable et économique des méthodes. » – Antoni Gaudi


Architects and interior designers use their creativity to design spaces that awaken the senses, create stimulating atmospheres and promote well-being.

Their tasks:

•Ensuring quality of life for future generations.Ecological construction is only effective when it is part of sustainable urban plan.

Discover the incredible Norwegian method for recreating the benefits of forest air in your own home. Image CR L’effet Skogluft, Jørn Viumdal 

Technical and regulatory components :These include bioclimatic principles, the use of renewable energies, water cycle management, choice of materials, site management and energy efficiency.

Re-creating lost social links.

In Japan, these houses have been designed to encourage social links between neighbours. (CR image Velocity)

Ensuring that the city is reintegrated into the cycle of nature. (below

how I heat my home?

The energy transition, a major task, also involves studying...

  • The problems associated with the increasing scarcity of fossil fuels.
  • The need to reduce CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases (ozone, methane, etc.)
  • Rising energy bills for households and industrial sites.

In photos, the idea of painting the roofs of Paris with a reflective white paint to limit the heat of buildings by the company Cool Roof (and if the paint flakes and pollutes the water... to be continued...).

The growth of labels gives legitimacy to these projects and only corroborates the constant evolution in the creation of new materials and ingenious systems linked to this new architecture.

If you're interested in the subject, go and see this exceptional exhibition or, failing that, take a look at the work of:


Précurseur sur les sujets d' »architecture verte », il aborde dans beaucoup de ses projets les thématiques du développement durable.

• Strategies for low energy consumption and new technologies.

•Social upheaval, vertical cities, a model of sustainability?

•Breathable, healthier buildings that respect the environment

•Improving quality of life, the cohabitation of work and home, etc.

•Architectural thoughts according to the constraints and urgencies of each country.

I also like the vision of this art collector for whom creativity is about 'going further', transforming and reinventing.

Even his vision of nuclear power is worth considering...

In short, when creativity and genius meet, it's a sight to behold!

Model of Apple Park (left)

"If you really think that our environment is less important than our economy, just try stopping breathing while you count your money".

— Guy McPerson

transition énergétique développement durable

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