With the new school year upon us, I thought I'd take a look at sustainable development, creativity (as always) and school! Ouch!
Sustainable development is an important topic in education systems around the world. However, the precise details may vary depending on the country, the level of education and the education policies in place. Here is some general information on teaching sustainable development:
In theory, in France
• education for sustainable development is integrated into school curricula
• It is approached in a cross-curricular way, i.e. it is integrated into different subjects and disciplines. Sustainable development can be taught through themes such as the environment, the economy, society, biodiversity, climate change, etc.
• The French Ministry of Education has published documents and teaching resources to help teachers incorporate the principles of sustainable development into their lessons.
2 years ago, I did my own survey...
For projects and prototypes, I interviewed several classes of primary school.
"Do you know sustainable development?"
There was no doubt about it, the term was largely unknown to them, they didn't know DD (as Développement Durable);-)
They had vaguely heard about the importance of saving water, recycling waste...I saw few solidarity projects...lack of time? Lack of resources?
I didn't look any further for the answers.
Remember the Jackson's test, which asks "What can you do with a paper clip?"
•1,500 nursery pupils (aged 4/5) were assessed by researchers George Land and Beth Jarman, and 98% of them reached this threshold. 98% have reached this threshold.
•5 years later, the same pupils (aged 9/10 at the time) were tested again and found to be only 30% to reach it.
•5 years later, it was only 12%.
•The same tests were carried out on a group of 300,000 adults aged 30 on average: 2% of divergent thinking geniuses only...
Even a child knows how precious the forest is. The fresh smell of the trees, breathtaking. The echo of birds flying over the dense magnitude. A stable climate, sustainable and diverse life and a source of culture. Yet forests and other ecosystems are at risk, threatened with being turned into croplands, pastures or plantations.
" we're navigating between the urgent and the essential... and all ideas are good to go! » Edgar Morin et Tariq Ramadan
"School kills creativity"
—Ken Robinso
" we'd like to hear more often, only creativity can save us. "
— Dirigeant jurassien de PME, Neuman, A.
2 - information...always...
The world needs new ideas to find solutions, change mindsets, raise awareness of the need to act and reinvent ourselves. So let's keep our little geniuses informed, even if it's not always fun.
•The association "Agir pour la petite enfance" (Acting for Early Childhood) has always relied on creativity and encourages early childhood professionals to explore it as part of a responsible approach. The ECLA workshops use recycled materials or materials already available in the facilities. Nature and the child take care of the rest. https://semainepetiteenfance.fr/les-missions-et-actions-de-lassociation/
•In Belgium, La maison ABC" Une école pour la vie" is an art research centre, an "interactive and artistic laboratory for discovery, research and expression".https://www.abc-web.be
•In Spain, the Createctura educational and artistic movement has been developing for 8 years and is now starting to spread to France. https://createctura.com
•916 schools with the eco-school label which is something at least…
If it makes other people want to want to...Here is the link: https://www.eco-ecole.org
Reminder:There are 59,650 secondary schools and establishments, including: 48,950 schools. 6,950 collèges. 3,750 lycées.
So, 916... that's not much…
•I found a competition in which 100 schools took part in 2022:
"Schools that sign up (middle schools, high schools and colleges) will be able to take part in the contest. https://www.cube-ecoles.org/They are committed to reducing their energy consumption.
•School supplies paid for by the local authorities for the start of the new school year in several towns (Gentilly, Châtillon, etc.). We say BRAVO !
For much older children :
This is a great initiative to replace the usual integration week with a solidarity internship at an engineering school:
ESSCA students are offered a group work placement in the garden of an EHPAD (retirement home). The students have to build facilities for the residents.
upcoming events for DD at school?
Sustainable Development Week... which, as its name doesn't suggest, will last 3 weeks. https://esdw.eu/?lang=fr
And if you want to develop educational materials on sustainable development, highlight your actions and communicate all your good deeds.